Tim Riswick

Working Papers

Working papers

  • N. Diepgrond & T. Riswick, ‘From Sick Bed to Death Bed? Morbidity and Mortality in the Binnengasthuis, 1856-1896’ (submitted)
  • T. Riswick, M. Murkens & N. Diepgrond, Moeders in nood: patiënten op de kraam- en gynaecologieafdelingen van het Amsterdamse Binnen- en Buitengasthuis, 1856-1896, Cahiers.
  • T. Riswick, ‘The consequences of infant adoption on child mortality in Taiwan, 1906-1940: A closer investigation of the impact of household composition and regional context’. Preprint available online through SocArXiv @

Work in progress

  • T. Riswick, ‘Servant slaves or adopted daughters? Marriage, fertility and mortality among cabokan in Taiwan, 1906-1945’.
  • M. Murkens and T. Riswick, ‘A life-course approach to inequality in cause-specific infant and child mortality in Amsterdam, 1856–1865’.
  • M. Davids, A. Heylen, E. Berkers and T. Riswick (eds.), Since 1624. Taiwanese-Dutch Connections (2024)