Tim Riswick

Month: March 2021

Article published in Historical Life Course Studies

Today the special Issue “Not Like Everybody Else. Essays in Honor of Kees Mandemakers” was published. I contributed to this special issue with the article ‘Enriching the HSN With Individual Causes of Death. A Database for a Life-Course Analysis of Victims and Survivors‘. The focus of the article was on how a newly created database

Presenting at the European Social Science History Conference

During the last days I was actively involved in presenting, chairing and commenting in several sessions. I was happy to present some first results of our project ‘Lifting the burden of disease. The modernisation of health in the Netherlands: Amsterdam 1854-1926’. Although it was a virtual conference, it was still very interesting. In the following

Masterclass Smallpox Radboud Pre-University College of Society

Today, I gave an interactive virtual masterclass ‘Zijn Antivaxers niet van alle tijden? De pokken epidemie van 1871 en de corona epidemie nu’ for high school pupils. In the masterclass he discussed the latest national smallpox epidemic in the Netherlands (1870-72), the measures that were taken against it, and the debates about vaccination. In addition, he compared